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About Us

My name is Corey and I will be your weight loss coach. I will take you on a journey that will end with you loving your scale, having more than enough energy to get through the day, a body that you love, strength to play with your kids or run with your dog, and a mental capacity that will allow you to conquer any stress life may throw at you. I will be your coach and together, we can lead you to a better, happier, and healthier life. 



Are you overweight or obese? Have you tried every diet, weight loss plan, and are sick of not losing the weight. Or are you so overweight that you don't even care anymore? I am here to let you know there is hope. I can train you, teach you, and coach you. With a mind, body, and nutrition mindset, I will take you from overweight/obese to a healthy, in-shape you. 


Do you want to do an Ironman, run a marathon, or maybe you just want to be able to walk up a flight of stairs without being winded... I can get you where you want to go. I believe in my methods so much, that I will give you your first session for free* if you book today!

            GROUP TRAINING


Training alone is not always easy. If you have a spouse or loved one that needs to lose weight too, I offer group training discounts! Call or email me today to learn more. 



As the owner of a business, you look over your staff and notice something... everyone... is... not in shape. You want to do something about it, but don't know how. I can help. I will develop a corporate training program that utilizes the basic human desire to be the best... competition. Call me today for a free consultation on how I can transform your staff and create happier, healthier, and better workers today!

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